6262800015 / 6262800016


School Fee Policy

Genesis Public School


All visitors to the school may be asked to bring formal identification with them at the time of their visit (unless they are named on the approved visitors/contractors list as set out below).

  • All visitors must state the purpose of their visit and who has invited them to the school and will be asked to wait at the entrance until the reason for their visit to the school has been checked.
  • Any visitor claiming to be from a particular organization, be it Private orGovernment will be asked to produce their Official ID card upon request before entry is allowed.
  • In case the visitor may have access to the building and if needing to work with specific children access to them, if they cannot produce their official photo ID card then unsupervised/supervised entry will not be allowed.
  • Visitors will be provided with the Visitor pass, which shall be duly signed by the person whom you are meeting.
  • All visitors will be required to wear the visitor’s card – the badge must remain visible throughout their visit.
  • Once onsite, all visitors must report to Front Office Executive (FOE) first. No visitor is permitted to enter the school via any other entrance under any circumstances.
  • Visitors will then be escorted to their point of contact OR their point of contact will be asked to come to reception to receive the visitor.
  • All visitors must hand over the Visitor pass and Visitor card at the Security check while exit.
  • Truck drivers: will use their Bill of Lading as an acceptable ID; however, such persons shall not be permitted outside their normal areas of pick-up and delivery without being escorted by an appropriate associate.
  • Delivery personnel: will be permitted to make their deliveries to the appropriate areas with a badge or pass, provided they do not go beyond open areas of pickup or delivery.
  • Individuals entering School grounds for the purpose of picking-up or dropping off individuals will not be allowed outside of their vehicles unless they have been provided an appropriate pass.
  • There will be Frisking of the visitors. They are requested to kindly cooperate during the procedures.
  • Parents will be escorted by FOE staff at all times whilst they are on site.


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